NAZCA Ingeniería

Integrated development of wireless load cell-based sensors

At Nazca we carry out high performance integral development wireless sensors for special applications.

• Torque, bending, shear and axial load sensors
• Acceleration, vibration and gyroscopic sensors
• Micro sensors
• Inductive and capacitive sensors
• Sensors for operation in hostile environments

At Nazca we carry out high performance integral development wireless sensors for special applications.

• Torque, bending, shear and axial load sensors
• Acceleration, vibration and gyroscopic sensors
• Micro sensors
• Inductive and capacitive sensors
• Sensors for operation in hostile environments

Sensing and monitoring solutions in different markets are available.

We are not focused on one market, sensorisation is a transversal technology.

If your company has a technological challenge in Nazca’s areas of expertise, we will be happy to collaborate with you.

Presentation NAZCA Engineering

Nazca was born with the idea of developing innovative projects in sensorisation and wireless monitoring.
Our objective is to develop new products or optimise existing ones by applying new technologies.
Nazca’s mission is to offer our clients products with a competitive edge to compete in performance and not only in price.

Indra Innovation Award in 2017

Finalists in the sixth edition of BIND 4.0

If your company has a technological challenge

We at Nazca are pleased to collaborate with you.

Contact us without any obligation.


Nazca finalista en la sexta edición BIND 4.0

Nazca finalista en la sexta edición BIND 4.0

La plataforma de innovación abierta, BIND 4.0, acaba de publicar la lista de las 79 startups finalistas de su sexta edición, con el objetivo de continuar impulsando la digitalización de la industria a través de la colaboración entre grandes empresas y startups...

Nazca en Eurobike 2021

Nazca en Eurobike 2021

El equipo de Nazca ingeniería se desplazará a Alemania del 1 al 4 de septiembre de 2021 para participar en Eurobike. Eurobike es la feria líder mundial de la bicicleta, un encuentro anual de la industria, el comercio y la prensa en Friedrichshafen, Alemania.